>>5532121>>5532124>>5532130>>5532132>>5532139>>5532150>>5532157>>5532163>>5532165>>5532167>>5532185>>5532173>>5532190>>5532204>>5532209>>5532223>>5532237>>5532399>>5532400>>5532445>>5532552>>5532635>>5532797>>5532820Thanks to
>>5533111 for doing a count of the vote.
>>Farren increases his Force Rating from 2 to 3.>>Farren increases his Lightsaber Skill from 3 to 4.As a point of reference with FFG rules, Obi-Wan had a FR/LS of 4/4 during the Clone Wars. Ben had 6/5 as of his duel with Vader during IV.
The average Jedi Knight had 3/3, and the average Master was 4/4. Yoda hulks out at 8/5.Space on the <span class="mu-i">Albatross</span> is tight, but you manage as best as you can. With Potkin insensate in the medbay's bacta tank, there are four available rooms for five extra Jedi. All four of the other masters and knights end up in their own rooms, with Sia-Lan crashing with Ceyla. An arrangement that your padawan objected to, and had offered to give her the full room, but the guardian refused. Citing a need for "women to stick together", the pair end up becoming unlikely roommates.
In any event, you promised an explanation, and you give one...of sorts. You don't give specific coordinates or too many details, but you do state that the end-goal is the border of Wild Space and the Unknown Regions. They field several questions – security, other Jedi, escaping the Empire – and you try your best to answer. Force forbid any one of them getting captured, and spilling the beans under torture.
“And I’d rather not have to explain it again when we pick up Master Choi and Swan,” you explain over drinks and reheated stew. “And just say it once, yeah?”
They grumble, but accept your words for what they are.
"So, where to next, boss?" asks Suzel as you swing by the cockpit. "We're ready to jump, we just need a destination."
You point to the navicomputer. "We'll rendezvous with Swan and Choi here..."
>>Where do you wish to fly the Albatross to next? [Choose one]>Elgit. A minor trade world along the Pabol Sleheyron hyperspace route, currently under Hutt control and influence. (T-10)>Flaspot. A savannah planet close to Hutt Space, it fell under Separatist occupation and serves as a staging ground for the Droid Army. (T-9)>Formos. A smuggling haven borne out of proximity to the Kessel mines, currently occupied by Separatist forces. (T-10)>Little Kessel. A lush planet known for its amicable Kesselians and mushroom forests, largely autonomous from the Republic. (T-10)>Rion. A tropical planet known for its resorts and tourism, far from the major trade lanes but unaffiliated with the Hutts. (T-10)>>What do you wish to do en-route to your destination? [Choose one]>Interact with the Jedi.>Train with Ceyla.>>Did you wish to inform Master Larid of what happened? [Choose one]>Yes.>No.>>Please structure your votes as the following:>Destination.>Activity.>Larid.<span class="mu-s">[VOTE OPEN FOR TWELVE HOURS]</span>