>>5135235Previously on Saiyan Conqueror Quest:
After waking up in bed between Towa and Meloka, Karn checked everyone's energy signatures with his ki sense, and found Cell up and moving about. After a quick conversation Karn Jr awoke, Karn taking his youngest and sneaking silently out of bed. With his son in his arms, Karn took his namesake down into the depths of Towa's fortress. Finding a gravity chamber Karn turned it up to New Salda's gravity, and began teaching Karn Jr. to walk. After spending perhaps an hour alone with his son, Karn then joined his family for lunch before heading off to a gravity chamber with Broly and Maza. Karn trained with the two of them in gravity so intense that, even in Ascended Berserker and Primal Demon respectively, both Karn and Maza struggled along with Broly. Now, as we rejoin Karn, you and your oldest two from the separate sides of the family have just been greeted by the arrival of your future daughter Chaya, and her friend the no longer mind-enslaved Ace.
“Wait, hold on. You all were training at THAT level?! No way! Looks like I gotta step up my game too!!” Future Chaya says, offering her hand down to you. Which you take gratefully, your alternative-timeline daughter helping haul you up to your feet.
“Thanks kiddo.” you say, ruffling her hair as she pouts halfheartedly. But she smiles as you do, Ace pulling both Broly and Maza upright. “We weren't quite training at that level. Had an accident right there at the end, and accidentally cranked it up a bit.”
“Oh, I see. Race to the button then?” she asks, you nod once. Future Chaya giggles at this, you then let Future Chaya and Ace have the room to themselves. You head out and take a quick shower, the water rejuvenating you after pushing even your transformed frame's limits. Then once you're done, find a fresh simple training uniform already here for you. Looking it over, you find the emblem of Caulifla's medallion on the left chest, showing no doubts who'd made it. Looks like her Clothes Beam is coming along nicely.
But what do you do now?
>Visit with Chilli and Megumin who're presumably back in that library studying>Take some time to train yourself against Milha's Curse Magic, especially now that you're all warmed up>Check in with Caulifla, see how her technique is coming and thank her for the clean uniform>Try and head back down to that storeroom Chilli and Megumin had found, then see if Bane's specter can detect anything interesting>Okira and Koruza are off with Maz and Kayle, see what the four of them are up to>See what Towa and Meloka are doing with Karn Jr>Other(write in)