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You decide to ignore the Buddha. While the thought of engaging him in debate and of proving the superiority of the Dao over his belief, you decide against it. You give him a nod instead and pass on through the heavenly realms.
As you go; you feel the subtle forces of will and creation nibbling on your fingertips, like many small fish. Such divine powers are beyond a base level immortal like yourself, but it seems like an unreachable gap; though only here, in the heavenly realms, can you feel such powers so closely. As though you are in control; you gently feel out with your hands, as though forcing something or someone to come towards you...
And just about then, a giant lung dragon barely avoids crashing into you. From his claws, a black cloud unfurls on the "ground" of clouds beneath you, spilling a gentle rain over the valley far below- instead of the mighty hailstorm the dragon was creating.
"Foolish human!" The dragon bellows angrily. "You insult my work by trespassing here- I am far behind schedule now! What do you have to say for yourself?!"
>Prostate yourself for forgiveness in spoiling the dragon's storm
>Show the dragon who is boss- nobody speaks to you like that!