>>5880386>>5880398>>5880495>>5880509>>5880530>loss of tension because of the Blades In The Dark flashback mechanic, retroactively justifying preparations / contingencies etcI can see your point, the BitD game mechanics basically assign a resource depletion cost to this the retroactive planning "narrative backfill" ie coin or gang reputation etc. So I think what you can do is simply make the resource cost higher or more punishing, eg you can do this... but impose some moral consequence or collateral character damage etc. I also noticed watching John Harper as DM in his own game, often he imposes consequences as clocks (the tally / countdown system to THE PUNISHMENT) which sort of obviates the threat lol, when in an OSR setting (also my inclination as DM) would be to immediately impose the pain / catastrophe for dramatic shock value muahaha though I am not sure if players actually hate and detest this. So for example, in the actual play there are several times when the players are knowingly or willingly risking an incredibly dangerous demonic corruption type rpg threat, they fail a very high stakes very tense dramatic roll, instead of receiving immediate tentacle horror / mindless insane gibbering like those old wfrp slaves to darkness tables hehe, he chooses to just give them some forgettable countdown clock instead etc (which basically means, no consequence or burden for them at all in the session, they basically get away with it as if the failed roll had actually succeeded lol).
I have watched a few of these DMs, very few are actually willing to deliver the brutal follow through (basically, I think Adam Koebel is the only one) most are like Matt Mercer or John Harper, I watched some very lo-fi Monte Cook Invisible Sun game (he is DM for his own ruleset etc) I don't think the players there ever even encounter any conflict lol. I am just reflecting a bit on my own imaginary fictional game world arbitration style because I think anons have only ever won one of my games hehe
One thing I am very impressed with in the BitD design is the "heal" mechanic and the stress track reduction gameplay loop there, it is indeed a loop and seems believable and I like how you can "overheal" yourself, there is a risk from overhealing ie indulging in a vice for psychological consolation though I reckon if you actually ran it those downtime scenes would probably become a bit tedious and repetitive or mechanical etc It is probably too much effort for a normal nondramatically inclined player. But that is an innovative, immersive design which is closely coupled to the fictional world and setting. I wouldn't complain too much about the BitD style jump cuts flashbacks backfill because the alternative is the dnd travelling through wilderness, Critical Role booking fantasy hotel rooms and tavern vacation scenes, no-one wants those, just jump straight in to the storytelling tension action moment etc. that is a narrative method which I use and of which I approve