>>5340178>>5340191>>5340196>>5340367>>5340388>>5340501>>5340704>>5340770>>5340806>>5340981>>5340996>>5341037You decided to sing "Seignor sachiez qui or ne s'en ira" it was a good song, calling for a crusade. It glorified god and mocked wittily the excuses of those who refused to go. It was probably your favourite song, you knew how to sing it well. When you began singing in your baritone voice the brave Bohémond immediately caught up and Beau managed to do it after the first couplet.
-Seignor, sachiés: qui or ne s'en ira (Lords, know: who is not going away)
en cele terre ou Dex fu mors et vis, (In this land where God was dead and alive,)
et qui la crois d'Outremer ne penra, (And who the overseas cross won't take,)
a paines mais ira en Paradis. (with many hardships will go to paradise;)
Qui a en soi pitié ne ramembrance (Who has no pity or remembrance in himself,)
au haut Seignor doit querre sa venjance (Must seek a revenge for his High Lord,)
et delivrer sa terre et son païs. (And deliver his land and his country.)
Tuit li mauvés demorront par deça (All the bad will stay behind)
qui n'aiment Dieu, bien, ne honor, ne pris. (Who, not loving God, neither honor him nor pray to him.)
Et chascuns dit: "Ma feme, que fera? (And everyone said, "My wife, what will she do?)
Je ne lairoie a nul fuer mes amis!" (I will leave her to no one, even a friend",)
Cil sont cheoit en trop fole atendance, (It is falling into far too mad wandering;)
qu'il n'est amis fors de cil, sans doutance, (Because there are no friends except the one, no doubt,)
qui por nos fu en la vraie crois mis. (Who for us was put in the true cross.)
Or s'en iront cil vaillant bacheler (But the valiant squires will go)
qui aiment Dieu et l'ennor de cest mont, (Who love God and the honor of this mountain,)
qui sagement vuelent a Dieu aler, (Who wisely want to go to God;)
et li morveux, li cendreux, demorront; (And the brats, the ashen ones will stay.)
avugle sont, de ce ne dout je mie, (Blind is- of this, do not doubt me -)
qui j secors ne fait Dieu en sa vie, (Who does not help God once in his life,)
et por si pou pert la gloire dou mont. (And for so little loses the glory of the world.)
Douce dame, roïne coronee, (Sweet lady, crowned queen,)
proiez por nos, Virge bien aüree! (Pray for us, Blessed Virgin!)
Et puis aprés ne nos puet meschoir. (And after that no evil can befall us.)