>>6171513You're used to thinking of things in terms of the engineering specifics and the operations of a system. But people are, large scale, sometimes as predictable as engines and as systemically biased as the impersonal forces of code. Here's five Steel Vipers. Cool. Confident. Collected. Their actions match their resolve, and their ideas for tonight, well, we can surmise them, can't we? Have a good time, throw a party, have a fight, have some fun.
Maybe you want them to do something else. You can't mind control people. Tech like that doesn't exist, because the brain is still an unknowable read-write input system and we haven't cracked real-time signal transmission in the cognometric sense. Skipping the neurophysiology, Agent, you'd walk up to them and do what primate has done to primate for all the meandering years of evolutionary deep time. You'd grunt at them and gesture and tell them some new information. And that information would <span class="mu-i">change their minds</span>.
Maybe you want them to get angry? Maybe you want them to like you? Maybe you want them to leave the bar in ten minutes? Maybe you want to draw their attention to the private security at the end of the hall so you can steal their wallets?
Depending on what you actually want, there are different vectors you might use and things you might say and, well, Agent, memetic manipulation of their consensus reality you might pull. It's no more complicated than any other operation, it just takes time to learn.
Stress them out? Charm them? Direct them? Control them?
>3AL: Spook these Steel Vipers [5d10] (Manipulate+Persuasion, Memeplex2)You get 4 hits, you've got Memeplex 2, their Resolve is 4-10, and we know that conditions past Limit matter and condtions under limit influence you. We also know that incoming effect of half your limit in one go is enough to Majorly shake people.
If you stress them out enough, perhaps they'll just leave? If you Anger them, a thing you can do, they might start a fight. If you Charm them, they might give you a beer.
Memeplex Engineering helps to know what to say - it boosts your output.
Hack an AR system to display intriguing messages in that section of the club? It might be Process+Meshops, but if your intent is to Stress people, the Memeplex will help you tailor solutions.
You're in a firefight with them? Agent, just ping their systems with broadcast noise that you're running away so they get Overconfident and attack you, drawing them right out of their cover.
Guns just hurt people, and systems crash, but the thought-stuff in people's brains <span class="mu-s">dictate how they behave</span>. The values you output are direct resolve damage - or assistance, if you're pep-talking your friends.