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<span class="mu-s">Hang a breath</span>
I got so excited smiling at the new soon-to-be-broken-faces I forgot to tell you all how to run about the whole place.
Listen, you see this COMPASS?
You're presume to be in the middle of it, at the dot. And you can tell the direction you want to move by telling the number.
So 1 is up and 4 is down and 33 is 2xSE.
The compass never reorients with your facing (imagine how horrible that would be), but instead refers to the world itself. So 1 is always 1.
If you're inclined to it, you can also write NE or SE or SW or whatnot, but the sheer issue that the following happens sometimes
And you might think that's easy to understand because you wrote the damn thing, but the universe is apt to steer your meat carcass into a pit if they have to check 10 of these things in the time limit we allot ourselves to find out where you are. Now something like
>212 212
Same thing, less digits, easier to parse. Oh, and for good decorums sake, if you are moving, please do split your movement blocks up into chunks of 3, as demonstrated. Thing is we have to check a lot of these and we hate to make you fall off of a cliff because we had to debug 12132231421232 and forgot to carry a crucial 1 somewhere.
Finally, if you have to move VERY FAR, you can - optionally - opt to instead give references in terms of someone else.
>2 of Slip (9 spaces)
is the same as
>222 333 444
But might be easier to write, if you're moving further, and less prone to minor scribal mistakes.
<span class="mu-s">Facing</span>
Yes. It's going to matter.
The line on a unit indicates where they're facing. Attacks from the back are harder to defend against. And prepared actions have to give a facing. If you're clever, put your back to a wall.
You can set your facing after any large action by just noting it
>Haymaker the Slicerat 2, then face 5 and taunt him by inviting him to punch me in the back of the head
That might not be so clever but this:
>1 Agility: Gymnastically vault over the countertop and face 1
Is going to save your life if a lot of mean thugs are squaring of to the north of you and you want to make sure your Block is in the right direction.
>As a quality of life feature, sometimes the universe will give you the best available facing if you forget to specify but this is ENTIRELY up to the whims of remembering to do so, and if you haven't been clear about it, you might just take a shoe to the back of the head too. Sorry.