>>6158415“What?” you say, feeling his power suddenly spiking. Golden aura blazing as his power skyrockets, ascending even past your own.
“HAAAAAA!!” he shouts, crossing his arms before his face before tearing them to his sides, power soaring as his strength multiplies itself hundreds of times over. “THIS is the true power of Demon King Piccolo!”
“Not orange?” you wonder to yourself, remembering that one Namekian Time Patroller who had turned orange and become much larger and even stronger. Perhaps this is an in-between form? But as he takes his stance, radiating with confidence, he starts looking down his nose at you.
“Prepare yourself, alien. This place will mark your grave!” he says, clearly thinking that, just because he's now stronger he has the edge in raw power.
But what do you do?
>Activate your Energy Body and gesture for him to come at you. Use your armor to gauge his strength better before transforming yourself>Ascend immediately into your Berserker form, roughly match his strength before engaging>Fully transform into your Berserker God form, show him just how weak he is compared to you>Tell him if that's all he's got he can't beat you, but if he wants you can take him to Planet Namek to meet his own kind>Other(write in)