>>6055570>>6055617>>6055719>>6056023>>6057400All 46 wins it by uninamous vote!
I would normally have the update out here and now, but I've <span class="mu-s">still</span> been struggling with alternating between feeling sick and being filled up with brainfog. As we're on page 7, I'm going to take the opportunity here to archive us and continue getting rest so that, hopefully, I can make a better and more consistent thread 6 once this hits page 10.
I'm not really satisfied with how much I was able to get done this thread, but it is what it is - I don't have the right contacts to sacrifice a few hobos for eternal youth and health. Since this was a shorter thread with multiple perspective swaps, we're going to continue being Val in the next one, so he doesn't get 'jipped'.
For now, the rest of the thread will be used for Questions and Answers. Address them to whoever - me, ramza, aito, chef bastard. Doesn't matter. If you've got a question, it'll get answered!