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You stand alone before the Pathless Tides and the Lightning Sea; ask it whatever you wish, and hear of what Vourukasha knows.
>(write in what you ask the Lightning Sea)
>So... it is like a supercomputer? Some sort of fluid computation, superconducting liquid, spin ice monopole nanomagnet computer? How about you just poke it a little... maybe put your hand in there and then lick it, what does a sea-god supercomputer taste like...?
>Surely the QM cannot kill you in the very first paragraph of the game. You must undress completely and jump in nude into the sea. Also, some athletes, you heard they... relieve themselves in the sea. Maybe try that, it will be an experiment in the conductivity of body fluids...(Use the supercomputer as a toilet)
>Say: actually... akshually... magnetic monopoles cannot exist, because according to Maxwell's Second Equation, the Gauss Law of magnetostatics, the Divergence Theorem
div F = (d/dx, d/dy, d/dz) . (Fx, Fy, Fz) = 0
or the contour surface integral over S of F.dS = 0
You cannot have a magnet with only one separate North or South pole, no "magnetic charge" can accumulate in space, there is no "magnetricity" equivalent to electricity, no singular magnet monopole counterpart to the electron, the QM is lying and made up all this sci-fi nonsense, therefore The Lightning Sea cannot exist! Jump up and down, blabbering all this in an indignant frenzy akin to King Canute before the surging tides.
>Wait... is there something on your face? What were all those images at the start of the game about? (Scrabble and claw desperately at whatever you think is attached to your face)
>You do not need to ask Vourukasha anything. In fact, you think you can command the future yourself. Tell the Lightning Sea what you think its fate will be (write-in a prophecy of your own)
>Something else...?