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Your drive home without incident, pine woods and run down homes flashing by on the road. After parking in front of the house you carry the groceries in and put them away. The entire downstairs is humid and the shower is still running. Who knows how long Candi has been at it but you can hear her music pulsing from a shitty Bluetooth speaker in there.
Last on your list is the shotgun shells. You set the box down on the dining room table beside a dusty nativity scene. You pop the spent shells out and slide in fresh ones before closing the gun and returning it. You consider keeping it closer at hand but decide you don't want to leave it floating around the house. It feels right somehow to leave it here.
No sign of mom, probably locked away again. Just as well. You go sit on the couch in the living room and stare at the dead television listening to Candi's muffled music. Talking with Annie reminded you that you're going to need to bring in some income, at least something to keep Candi off your back about it. You imagine she'll demand you get a job soon enough anyway.
The problem is you're not exactly eminently employable. You look like death metal Frankenstein, have no college degree, and no employment history. Really as far as real jobs go there's only one option in town: the lumber mill. They hire anyone, even Dad worked for the mill. Steady hours, decent pay, but it will take up a lot of your free time. Assuming they hire you you'll basically only be free nights and weekends.
You could always look around for music gigs. You could probably make a hundred bucks or so a week playing for dive bar bands or something. It wouldn't be much cash but you'd have plenty of free time to get other shit done.
Option three is going to Lasker City for some breaking and entering. You've got the skill set and the lack of moral fiber necessary for that sort of thing. You might not make too much but who knows, you could get a good haul. Another upside is that you set your own hours. Plus, it's fun.
>Plan to apply at the lumber mill
>Plan to look for band gigs
>Plan to do some larceny in Lasker City
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