>>5343943That would depend on the possible afflictions that plague him, I was wondering if that was even possible to create given how well he's been handled so far, but here's a few what ifs to keep around.
>LustUnless something really bad happens that makes him relapse into addiction or if Farnese makes him horny enough for their sexual activity to become harmful, I don't see this one happening, same goes for the alcohol problem. The concept of him having a succubus in his head would be pretty fun to write if his encounter with slan was anything to go by.
>GuiltThat's a bit more likely, he's already had plenty of nightmares about his deceased folk and how late he was to take responsibility for his inaction, Merlina herself didn't believe he was doing anything out of the kindness of his heart, but more so our of obligation/retribution for the years he's ignored his clan. Which is why she was rarely grateful.
>MadnessNow that's a dangerous one. Remember that he and his parents thought he was insane since a very early age, and that made it so he would conceal the worst aspects of his character, something that happens to this day. Should his mind deteriorate along with his body, he could very well start hearing voices, seeing entities out of the corner of his eyes or even mistaking them for the people he know. The meat vision is something that he doesn't miss, that's for sure.
Be glad that he's not the one taking the berserker armor, but that's still not to say that he's untouchable, given how he acted after he considered the Behelit being his, he is somewhat prone to paranoia too.