>>6095920You turn to look at Fahy, who is wearing the plain, featureless, faceless screen helmet.
He taps the solid black panel twice, and the screen flashes gold as the electronics inside turn alive. For an instant, the golden face changes the whole aesthetic of the outfit. It became less… how would you begin to put it? Villainous? Suddenly it looked less like a helmet, and more like a head. It still had no eyes, no nose, no mouth, it yet remained the face of pragmatic scientific advancement, but it seemed leagues different. Almost…
You have zero idea how it could possibly be familiar, but in that second you feel deja vu.
And in a second, it is gone, replaced with that mono-eye screen configuration from before.
After going through the effort to get your attention, he doesn’t say anything.
No foreboding comment, no cheery quip.
The elevator opens, and Fahy heads on out of the elevator and heads on down the hall.
… Whatever it is, if it comes… <span class="mu-i">when</span> it come, you’ll be ready.
You hope it won't come, but you have more important things to hope for. It's better spent hoping you become a stronger person. Hoping to survive.
And even then, there's better things you can do than hope. You can be.