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Your mind having well and truly run away with itself, you sit down in the middle of the room and try to reign your thoughts - and yourself - back in. It does not need to be said how mucking about with prototype Constructs could be dangerous, or messy, or otherwise liable to give you away to father in ways that peeking at loose papers and picking your way into locked drawers might. And as far as forcing the jammed drawer goes - it seems that it is going to involve hand tools no matter what, and that is going to come with a serious risk of leaving evidence of your handiwork behind. In your estimation, the jammed drawer is not particularly special - the only things setting it apart from the rest of the drawers and chests in the study is that the jammed drawer is potentially unlocked. And of course, jammed. What you are driving towards is that you have no reason to believe that whatever is inside would be of any greater interest than what is inside the rest of the drawers in the room.
And if that is the way of it, then it would make sense to <span class="mu-i">ignore</span> the jammed drawer, and focus on some that you could open without any risk of father knowing. To that end, lockpicks, of a mundane stripe would be best. Feeling resolved and eager once more, you stand up and start forward, only to stop. Now there is a new issue at hand here. You don't know where father keeps his spare picks. You have to believe there are spares though, he's always saying things like 'if it is worth having one, then it is likely worth having two'. And as he keeps his kits up here when he is not out on a job with them, this room is the first place you'd look for them - but this little space has very few places you have already not looked when you were looking for the tools, and you never came across hide nor hair of any picks. Starting to more and more acutely feel the passage of time, you look through the room for a little longer before you finally accept that there are no picks to be had here. The next most likely place to have picks would be father's room. And you know most everything in there is locked up as tight as it is in his study. Fraying Hell, if the lockpicks are locked up, you are really going to have time of here tonight, aren't you?
> Please choose ONE of the following:
> You will go into father's room, looking for lockpicks as thoroughly as you can without unlocking anything - leaving the option of fetching water and using Cold Touch open for now.
> There has to be at least one misplayed lockpick lying around somewhere in the Belfry. If there is, and you can find it, you can save yourself a lot of trouble.
> You should just call it here. Take another round with the schematic, then go call it a night [Opener Concludes]