>>6110850It is a point of view...
>>6111123>>6110905But an opportunity too as these two gentlemen have pointed out.
>>6111111Nice digits good sir, it will still count as one even if your number of ones is impressive.
>>6111120>>6111219In truth you could not have expected to have a better neighbor, if she was true to her word, you will not need to always keep watch near her border. One part of you thought about expanding into her lands but with the support of the Baron it would be hard. Factually it was a good deal, the Hostil lord menaced you, here Cristmasel was like a Christmas gift compared to the ancient times. If she was not a Guelph witch and you were not to be wed you would have kissed her right now, plus she was very beautiful, like all guelph women. Fortunately your faith moderated this enthusiasm, the witch was by definition a liar, and your experience with Italians told you that they were not very high above servants of satan when it came to keeping their promises. But still, you had to ask.
-So if I understand well you could not take a toll from barges going from Someplace to my lands ?
She then looked at you, frowning lightly.
-I suppose so, but I suppose that it would be my duty to take something, making roads and waterways unpracticable with tolls seems to be the duty of every landowner. Let us say that we will see the average tax in the realm and
-But you told me that you did not want to administer your lands and the money that it shall give you will be negligible.
-This is a question of principle, young man, for more than 600 years human lords annoyed me when I travelled through Bifuria, I shall annoy them for at least the same amount of time.
This made you chuckle, yes, indeed. Well, you could wait this after all. Still, you had to ask.
-I understand but what about the question of Disputed. The Hostil Lord and I had a small conflict, he wanted this hamlet that belongs to me. Shall you try to annex it by principle too ?