Quoted By:
>5D100 Bo3
>100, 51, 39, 90, 74
> - , 25, 7, 9, 66
>No Rhea Operator Support needed, kthnx
The Rhean Underground has three main branches of operations: the Butchers, the Bakers, and the Candlestick Makers.
The first one is where the fightiest ones are: killy-spec Roogz, Beastmode Droodz, Sniper Rangers. Your kind of peepl. So-named because they see blood and sell meat: earn their budget allocation through bounty and pillage. Given how Weak Rhea usually are, these usually involve ambush and unequal numbers. For some reason Rhea are squeamish about poisoning food and water.
Bakers are liars: information and disinformation. Mostly Scout- or Spah-spec Roogz, Landstrider-spec Droodz n Rangers, and Bards for some reason. A few capable Illusionists and Bards make up the leadership; that's all most know.
The Candlestick Makers is where they send YOU, with a small square of leather burned on one side with the sign on the ThiefBoss' ring, the other side ( !iji! ).
Seafood had left the choice of which mission to take up to you, and you picked the one about reported locations of Ur-Myrmid hives. There's some big argument going on between the Rheas and the Bugs about land, and right now the Bugs are claiming dibs by Right of Conquest and by Historic Rights. YOUre not sure why anything apart from Right of Conquest matters; it's a Weak Race thing.
But your hyperspecialized brainbulbs lit up when ThiefBoss said the Bugs' claim of Historic Right was based on New™ Discovered™ Ancient™ Cities™.
Ancient Cities! Dat meant lewts dunnit? N traps not the nice kind n cults n fings, 'course, but PHAT LEWTS!
While you were a grubb you've seen Ancient Someplace just appear overnight when and where no one's looking GS canon; the DM/Player called Chance just generated a Dungeon. Every goblin just accepted the appearance of these Places as natural weirdness, like lightning, or ocean waves, or how you allus pee when you poop but never poop when you pee.
Goblins avoided exploran, because traps cannot be cheated, and in closed unfamiliar corridors there's no hiding; gobbs usually don't run fast enough or hit hard enough to beat whatever Lurkz in there.
Adventurers love these Ancient Someplaces, and you, like every goblin, resent that they can just march in with their shiny gear and overpowered cheaty zappyzaps, and come out richer with <span class="mu-b">shinier</span> gear and <span class="mu-b">zappyer</span> zappies. You feel entirely justified if a party of Fighty Ones go in an Ancient Someplace, get thrashed to fugg, all zappies and helff gluggz used up, barely escape, only to get rippt n ræpt by a mobb of gobbs. Completely fair.
Why should theys get it all juzt bcuz they wuz born tall, knowing words, having spiff kit and zappyzaps? Why not you? Why NEVER you? Why never <span class="mu-g">YOU</span>?
Like hell you're passing up a chance for real good goodies, even if the ThiefBoss thinks it's most likely faked noiz.
Yez not lissnin, bcuz PHAT LEWTZ