Quoted By:
"Mmh. Mr. Morelli, your meal is adequate. Too adequate, it tastes like someone not of your staff made this."
Katherine herself is, to your shock, very...bland looking? A lot less out there than the other corpos you've seen. If you didn't know she was a Corporate Administrator you'd never guess she was one. Aside from her yolk yellow chic cocktail dress and heels, there's nothing that really screams 'high class' to her.
Her long yolk yellow hair and bright purple eyes are a bit more disconcerting but that's about it. Her face looks average, her body type looks average, there's nothing else identifying about her beyond that. It's as if you took a picture of 500 women and ran them through an AI algorithm.
"W-whatever could you mean?" The Head Chef's nervous sweating is only getting worse upon hearing that.
"I have a very refined palette, Mr. Morelli. This tastes...fresh. Not cooked with fear or the will to survive, no. Obsession of the craft. An obsession..." She leans back in her chair to stare the Head Chef right in the eye. "That I know you do not have. That I did not come here to taste. It is good that I did smell any, say, cyanide though. Else I would've sliced your head clean off."
Good thing you didn't go with Frank's plan then.
"I-I, well, y-you have been keeping me out here f-for a while and-"
"Shh. Lest you anger them, Mr. Morelli." She points to her two android bodyguards. Neither of them are moving but you know the moment she orders it, they could crush his skull like a god damn grape. "Leave. So you may...dispose of any intruders in your kitchen. I'll check in fifteen minutes and I know you will not stop me when I check myself."
Mr. Morelli is fucking GONE by the moment she finishes speaking.
Katherine leans forward to stare down at the three dead-quiet Harvesters. "Now. I demand your own briefcases. I wish to see them for myself before the rabble decide to do their little game of cat and mouse to hunt me down. Not like they'll succeed." You notice one odd thing about her arms.
Massive scars runs down the length of it, from her shoulder to her wrist. Yet you can't quite tell what could've possibly made it aside from it being <span class="mu-b">something being pulled out from the inside.</span>
You decide it's probably best to leave the chefs and waitresses to relay any information they can from here on out. Luckily, you're sneaky AND fast enough to get back to the kitchen without anyone noticing and before Morelli can return.
Entering back in the kitchen with the rest of your allies, you quickly tell them what you found before asking them for their own thoughts or what they heard.
ADAM: "She was the one distracting the Head Chef. If I didn't know any better, she wanted someone to sneak in and to try to make an attack on her. <span class="mu-b">This is a game to her.</span>"
BENEDICT: "Much like an anomaly, she seems empowered by the emotions of others. <span class="mu-b">Fear is the mind killer around her. Fear, hunger, and suffering can not be shown."</span>