Looks like no one wants to join me playing pokemon go with mammoths. As Krantagarh and Huffid already jam up the hills (plus I assume Krantagarh probably isn't on speaking terms with Sarrick) and in the Wheatlands my slow ass infantry will just get left behind and/or run over by kislevite cavalry, looks like it's time to head north on a solo adventure to play pokemon with mammoths.
gotta catch em allFirst though, we need to break through the dwarf holds of Sjoktraken and Khazid Borgkarag. Sarrick has split his forces. In the north, he leads a force of Hung and his new Chaos spawn along the coast towards Skoktraken. He orders his hung to restrain their bloodlust for now and use the hills and forests to mask their approach.
To the south, his most trusted warriors advance towards Khazid Borgkarad. In the barren valley it will be harder to approach unseen and the stream hampers their progress, but on the narrow front their massed ranks mean no enemy force could meet them without being pincered between two of their formations.
So I'm hoping that the dwarfs are actually a good match up for me. I would guess they're slow and have high hp, and so low initiative. The hung savages with relatively high initiative and damage should work pretty well as long as they can double team enemy units.
Also, a question for our lord and savior Lanu. Is their any mechanical difference between the light blue streams and dark blue rivers beside boat access?
>>5985081Agreed. Later if I post without map I might pull some of my own models out too.