Quoted By:
“The days here are short.
MIZAR-IV completes a full rotation in under sixteen hours, enforcing a solar terminator line that sweeps across our position with unrelenting intensity. The consistency of its daily appearance has become a welcome novelty after spending an entire solar year traversing the great black.
Under local time, we have spent twelve days finishing our work here. The process has nearly become rote. During the day, the RAIN would accumulate energy – shying away from the heat of the system primary to charge her mammoth capacitor banks. At night, she would fire her excimer lasers at half-discharge, capitalizing on the temporary darkness to facilitate rejection of waste heat. Each firing cycle dug deep, spiral furrows into the surface of a target asteroid - liberating water and gas in thrust-plumes that mimicked the action of chemical thrust.
Several hours ago, the sixteenth – and final – asteroid began its journey, joining its siblings on a long fall towards the inhabited core of the planetary system. Their slow, processional movement appeared almost sedate from our perspective, but I knew that this was a visual illusion. Orbital mechanics are uncompromising. In a month, each impactor would carry a velocity differential of fifty kilometers per second, equating to a nominal yield of twenty to thrity teratorns. Six impactors were allocated to each moon, concentrated in the population-dense equatorial zones. The weapon may be different, but the outcome will be the same. Both planets will be stripped clean of life before we complete our final approach to the Mizarian homeworld.
The RAIN reaches for that planet now, pointing her prow towards the brightest speck of light in the star-shot sky. MERRYGATE whispers in anticipation, saying something that may have been meant for us alone. I sift through my ruined memories for the last time and find…"
>A BRIGHT MEMORY. “I remember when the universe was still flawed…” [Guarantee success on ONE roll of choice]
>A PALE MEMORY. “Darkness. Cold. The chill of vacuum, true vacuum…” [+4 to all hypometric weapon rolls]
>A SHARED MEMORY. “It imprints on silicon, just as it imprints in flesh…” [+3 to all intrusion rolls]
[Sorry for the horrifically long delay. I had a slightly busy week and then put a downright shameful amount of time into AC6]