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Hundreds of fighters and bombers descend on the enemy fleet, guns blazing. Shields falter under your own fleet's cannonade, and Ties line up to drop bombs, torpedos, concussion missiles, even the dinky lasers of their fighters to every spot vulnerable looking. Before Long, a Surrender Signal is sounded, and the Remaining Seditionist fleet and Station are surrendered.
Your own legion is ordered aboard the station to occupy it, while the admiral meets with the enemy Station commander, who was in charge of the Division you'd just faced down. You were placed in charge of orbital cleanup, recovering stranded pilots of both sides, and blasting down any large bits of debris that could threaten the populace below.
Pretty soon you receive a message from Grand Admiral Makati, and you make your way to the conference room aboard your vessel, where the other 2 Admirals are also present. Makati begins before anyone can get a word in first;"Gentlemen, in 3 days we have engaged and defeated 2 enemy Divisions, while maintaining minimal losses. Due to battle damage to Hower Division, however, he is going to take all captured enemy Vessels to Bimmisaari, and recuperate his fleet, while acting as reserve. Commander Caimes, you are to take his place, and spearhead the attack to Zerm, and take that end of the Kessel Run. Strike fast, and prove yourself to me. My arm of the offensive shall continue on through the Galactic North, and encircle the Kessel run, to be accomplished in 10 days."
10 days.... That's plenty of time for you to reach your target, but for him, he's basically racing across 6 or 7 hostile systems.
"If you need assistance, Hower will be who you call. If you believe yourself capable of taking this mission.
>How will you reply?