<span class="mu-s">Success! You infiltrated the Lab Building!</span>
You and your team land on the floor and strike a cool pose, ready for action! You take out your <span class="mu-s">Icicle Gun</span>, ready for a shoot out! The Icicle Gun is of course just your fingers, from which you shoot bullet shaped icicles.
But thankfully, the hallways is empty (for now).
To the west there is the <span class="mu-s">Snack Room!</span>
To the north there is a wall, with two doors leading to <span class="mu-s">Labs C and D </span>
To the east there is stairs, leading to the first floor, where <span class="mu-s">Labs A and B </span>are located!
To the south there is nebulous void of the Fourth Wall, best left alone.
<span class="mu-s">What's our next move, Dick Squad?
Oh, also, totally forgot. Before the start of the mission, you jacked yourself with some electricity to store up on lightning. 10 liters of lightning costs you 1 Hit of Health to absorb - how many liters did you suck up before the start of the heist?</span>
>>5323106Which one do you want to be Jerry?