Alright, that's my last post of the night. I gotta go run a DnD session. I'll be back with another update, tomorrow 1st of September around 11 am MDT.
Voting remains open until the next update. Sorry for the slow updates and generally slow pace of the quest. Thanks for sticking by anons.
Also a question for the anons. Got a favorite Poké Girl or boys?
>Nah, that's for weird losers.>You do? Which one?Myself, am partial to the female Ace Trainer of X/Y, and the female Team Skull Grunt. But some of you probably already knew that.
Have a good one.
#Edited because I wanted to add an image, and reaffirm my heterosexuality#
#Not quest-related.#
>>5750029I just searched it on Discord, I'll probably search for the thread later. Honestly, it's tragic, whether he went through with it or not. Being in that headspace is a really shitty feeling. I hope he's okay.