>>5695501Just as you begin to savor the sweet, sweet taste of All-American victory, the lights are snuffed out. The candles, the chandeliers, even the rare Ki lantern in the audience. In one instant, the entire arena and what feels like the world are cast into total darkness, deeper even than Eclipse’s. You feel wary and start to shift into a stance, when Old Man Fong’s voice returns, this time closer. It’s down in the ring, with you!
“Honorable guests, through mortal struggle and incredible violence, the final victor of my nineteenth Beat ‘Em Up has been decided! GEORGE ARMSTRONG!” The crowd, still up in their seats, cheers and you bask in the noise. As it falls away, his voice returns. “Now, he is entitled to his prize! Behold…” You see a sudden, clear radiance dispel the dark surrounding you. Old Man Fong is there, leaning on his cane in one hand, and in the other, holding one of the most beautiful things you’ve ever seen. It appears to be a solid glass sphere, just a little smaller than a basketball, with wavy patterns and a deep, blue light emanating from its interior.
To your despair, he drops it! Only for it to float in the air, in complete defiance of the laws of gravity. You stare, genuinely slack-jawed in awe, as he gently prods it with the bottom of his cane and it bobs toward you. “The Primordial Seed. As is tradition, it is the victor’s by right, and what is done with it is the victor’s to decide.” You reach out and touch the sphere. It is comfortably cold yet warm, and even touching it soothes the deepest recesses of your soul. You instinctively understand that this is a powerful reservoir of pure life energy. Now, it’s yours. You hold it and ponder.
>Shatter the seed and absorb its power into yourself, here and now.>Keep the seed, to give to the United States of America on your return.>Keep the seed, to fork over to the Daiyamondo for their generous boon.>Keep the seed, to hold as a potential bribe or sacrifice in the future.>Take the seed but don’t keep it, to give to someone else in the arena.>Refuse the seed, claiming victory for yourself was a prize enough.>(2/2)