>>5323646Glancing down occasionally into the valley below as you steadily climb higher and higher. You still had quite the distance to go. Looking out for developments below. The fog thickens as you advance up the hillside. Through the grey curtains you glimpse lights streaking below as One and Eight obviously didn't bother to try and climb. You could tell they were fighting with their backs to the steep hill. "Where did you guys go?" Six shouted, her voice echoing around the impenetrable fog you had found yourself stumbling through. "Help! I'm lost too!" The Guana answers, breaking into loud giggling before falling silent. "Follow your Signavs!" You shout back into the pearl abyss. Focusing on trying not to walk off a cliff. Then it dawned on you, the captured equipment would be pointing the enemies your way.
Time stretches on without any other sounds breaking the usual ambience. The maze-like mist gives you only a couple meters of vision. You tread slowly, not willing to give away your position, when a voice cuts through the obscured surroundings. As low as a whisper it fought against the wind to be heard. "Do you think we cut them off?" The words made your blood curdle. A clang rang out. What you had swore for the last half an hour had been little more than a stray tree branch clashing about in the wind. But now the rhythmic pounding made sense as another voice spoke up. The opposing force was drowning in equipment today, the clanging continues on. The steps from a spider legged ATV somewhere in close proximity sending vibrations out along the ground. "I'm not sure. Spread out and keep your eyes peeled, I can't see shit up here."
You stoop low, your small charge pistol slipping free from the holster in one smooth motion. You jump as a hand touches your shoulder, without a word you spin. Two stands there watching with worried eyes, his mask giving away little more expression, Pistol in hand and a finger to his lips. You hear the sound of clattering and cursing out in the fog ahead as the searching party fumbles about. The crackle of a radio joins. "We are advancing toward your position. Sitrep? Over." Another voice replies. "No sign of them, We are searching the area. Over." Two inches closer, mumbling hushed words directly into your ear. "Six is climbing up the bloody rockface. What should we do? Sneak or Shoot?" You weigh the small stun weapon in your hand. You still didn't know how many of the other pilots had made the ascent. But you didn't have time to waste.
>What do you do, Pilot?>What do you say?Write in?>Try and Sneak past?>Try and Eliminate the other Pilots? >Try to Scale the Cliff?>Hide from your pursuers?>Do something else?Write in?