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Menelaus is quick to comply, and you and Ajax assist the sailors in dragging the ships into the water. Each of the diplomatic party returns to their ship – yourself, Castor, Pollux, Teukros, and Ajax on one vessel, and on the other vessel, Menelaus, Palamedes and Odysseus.
don’t worry, you’ll have a chance to switch ships before you reach Ilion.
It's a beautiful morning for sailing – the sun warm, the northerly breeze brisk and filing the sails of your galleys, and within minutes, Delos is sinking below the waves behind you. All told - you're proud of yourself! You did well in the contests, you avoided any embarrassing defeats, and more importantly, you provided evidence to all present within the diplomatic party that you are capable of more than just smashing skulls - and with the council with the Trojans fast approaching, you'll need to exploit every advantage you can to honor your conspiracy with Electra, and bring about the war she has asked for.
>someone give me a dice+1d20 to determine how well this leg of the journey goes!