Quoted By:
''Never with a human, I've only worked two artifacts with living souls dwelling within.'' Keldan responds softly, examining the catalog. ''And before you ask, using your nature would be a mistake Arawn, because I believe your friend soul could... attach itself to yours, or pull yours inside her domain. Nasty complications is a mild way to put it.''
''But it -is- possible to have Zhu experience something with us, right?'' Klesiah's voice shakes with barely concealed desperation.
''I've accomplished similar tasks with an angel and a Mamono soul, dear lady. As a doctor, I won't accept excluding humans. I believe the safest way to do it would be to create a pathway for your friend to walk into, she'll have to show initiative.''
''No worries about that.'' The initiative isn't something Zhu lack.
''Alright, alright.'' Keldan moves his gaze away from the catalog to examine your trio. ''I do think it's possible, but not today, you should start a treatment of Everblues as well, lady...?''
''Klesiah.'' She masks her disappointment by doing that classic hair swoosh Sieglinde so often does.
''This will be a delicate experiment, the sheer intensity of a human soul without a body might shatter even the best laid foundations of the many stages laid out here.'' He briefly gazes back at the many gems behind him. ''Thus making your souls malleable is the best way to compensate. Eating -and sticking with- Everblues laced foods will accomplish exactly that, tomorrow evening will be a good time to try.''
''Would it be dangerous?'' You're not sure if it's worth disturbing Zhu if there are genuine risks.
''No, if your friend believes she's in a nightmare the worst that would happen is the dream inside one of my gems being dispersed.'' As he speaks, the patriarch frown, pinching his long beard. ''Thinking on it now, this could create a stressor on your slumbering friend's mind... But I'd say that we ought to try again if she panics. She'll grow used to the presence of your souls after a while.''
Zhu often commented about people's colors, she must have already gotten used to your and Klesiah's souls.
''Eating something from a strange plant can allow us to speak with Zhu?'' Klesiah speaks after a short silence, prompting a fatherly expression to form on the elder.
''Souls are wondrous things, my dear. Life will always be hope, that is the one truth I've discovered in my long life, next one would be not struggling alone... but I'll wager you've already figured that one out.'' He winks. ''Would you care to partake in a memory, the three of you? You're from Xel'iotha aren't you, dear lady?''
Hao's breath caught in her throat, she take a moment to control her excitement, to avoid any overt movements else agony would ruin the moment.
''Home... good and bad. Mostly bad but the plains always great.''