>>5789051she is a kid. you are basing your opinions on her possibility as a person on what she did when she was afraid both of the actions we'd be committing morally, what we can physically do to her. and how she might be reprimanded back at camp. which could involve literal whippings mind you since this isn't exactly mental counseling she is coming back to.
she was scared, not ready for decisions like that to be committed. she didn't at the time probably see any other decision as to how to try and impose any form of will onto the situation. desperation.
i am not against being wrathful towards our captors. we don't need to go against each other there. what my point is just that even if she did betray us there. it would be really hypocritical to say we haven't gone and done otherwise than was asked of us. we've on several times forced her into higher sync. which i imagine is not just painful physically but mentally scarring at worst. and while i don't think that it wasn't tactically the best decision. we still need to remember she fucking FEARS us.
she has seen us break many moral standards. force ourselves to possibly bargain the lives of other people in a at the time warzone because of our (fully justified) demand for our sisters. come back with a girl which we might very well have gotten brain damaged for life for all we know. and afterwards kill without remorse and destroy the possible lives of civilians just because "well, it is effective"
we are a walking catastrophe from her perspective. who wouldn't be scared in such a situation?
and i just wanna point out. and this is arguable of course in many different ways about who started first and such. but i wanna remind yall.
we have a code which can bypass any given orders from the pilot for a short period of time. it is able to fully remove any and all agency she has.
we basically have the same armament against her that she has in those codes she has used on us. and even then we could genuinely when she is either in mid synch or high sync just keep her from speaking for long periods of time.
currently, we hold the semi moral high ground, because she has used those codes against us and did so to make us not be able to fight back or even know such. BUT if we were to ever use that code against her and for example take away all agency. we could kill an orphanage and have it all be on her hands because they either couldn't prove we did what we did, or would be disciplined for having allowed it to happen. in the same way we either can get shackled or canned if we misbehave.
which. is simply why i want her to begin understanding us. because is it EASY to make someone care when they feel emotional feedback from someone else in stressful times. i genuinely think with how she is currently doing. that if we were to try and support her now and show our individuality she'll probably fucking hate herself for having imposed those codes upon us when she sees us as a friend instead of a tool.