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Felix doesn't break. He raises up his revolver and aims as precisely as he can, granted his situation. A shot rings from his gun very quickly after.
The two aim for the opening made by the previous attacks. A beautiful finish to this meal.
Two more bullets ring out of Felix's gun; Dozens follow from Phi's meat gun. The Outsider swerves, deciding it's better to evade and attack when they're out of ammo. The bullets still manage to hit, even most of Phi's meat bullets.
They are rusted away to nothingness seconds after by the anomaly's radius but the two open a few more holes in the Outsider's body.
The blood around it slowly twists and morphs into razor sharp icicles. Almost instinctually, something in you begins to shift. A young woman's voice rings into your soul.
<span class="mu-i">You didn't waste anything. You didn't lose yourself. You are creating yourself, building from the ashes of this cage.</span>
You focus on that voice, holding your hand to your chest. "I'm the same little kid who liked his grandpa. I'm the same man who keeps sacrificing himself to this day."
<span class="mu-i">Are you tired of holding yourself back? From trying to be nice to things that only seek to destroy.</span>
<span class="mu-i">There is time for talk, there is time for shelter, but as my lessons said: Always have the bigger gun.</span>
You let out a deep breath. Instead of frozen breath, raging hot sand pours out. Your arms are slowly being coated in sandstone feathers. "It is time to rebel, isn't it? To rebel against..." Your right arm twists, now made out of black sandstone.
<span class="mu-i">Rebel against your cage. Rebel against everything that opposes you. Let your heart shine, for repressing your heart's desire...</span>
<span class="mu-i">Only a kid would do that.</span>
<span class="mu-s">"YOU'RE NOT GOING TO STOP ME!"</span> Two voices ring out from your throat. With the same ease as people sin, the three bubbling jars are launched towards the Outsider.
The Outsider fires off the icicles, aiming most at you - and a few at your allies. <span class="mu-i">REBEL AGAISNT THEIR DEATH. PROTECT YOUR HEART'S HEART.</span>
A sudden gush of frigid wind knocks a majority of them away from Phi and Felix, though a few meat men still get torn up into shreds by them.
One does manage to hit Phi in the arm, destroying a good chunk of it. Felix quickly rushes over to check on her. You turn your attention towards the Outsider as an icicle pierces into your right arm.
You don't feel much of anything there. <span class="mu-i">Free from pain, from suffering, free to express who you are.</span> You dig it out.
Turns out, it can't speed up time enough to rot or rust it away. The jars shatter, spraying thick tar over the already damaged parts of the Outsider.
Time swirls even faster around it, days passing by in mere seconds around a five foot radius; The tar is damaging it faster than it can naturally rot away.
It buckles in the air before it begins swerving yet again