>>5732255“Enough!” he bellows. “You, as your accursed dame, have had your fill of revelry and rebellion in this city, at the expense of the Grand Design.”
He gestures to the jar under his arm then, shaking it and its sloshing contents. You think you hear gurgles and whines of protest from the ‘contents’ in question.
“This,” he asserts, to those Reptilian Infiltrators still present. “THIS is Hawksong’s destiny, not whatever haphazard and disjointed series of schemes you have concocted. It is a plan set in motion over two decades, planned and prepare by minds which have given more years to this war effort than you have been ALIVE! In service to a Master Race which ahs persisted over AEONS, in service to a Grand Design which spans MILLENIA! You really think that you can just… UPEND it all? To make your stupid, infantile ‘kingdom’ where apes and REAL PEOPLE hold hands and mix blood like… Like DEGENERATE FREAKS?!”
You stare at him, saying nothing. In his eyes, his aura, you sense a deep hurt—a rage filled with shame, with disappointment, with confusion. You remember the last words he spoke to you, when you gave him your gift: a mug commemorating fatherhood, with calming tea to brew in it. You’d explained your vision of the New Age of Darkness to him, and, almost despairing, he’d admitted he did not recognize or understand it.
“The northern forward base is gone!” he says. “The Chaplain is DEAD!”
“What?” Albacete gasps through her pain, even as she steams and smokes, and clutches her burns. “The Chaplain… You are sure?”
Roth just glowers, and you feel… Something… In your chest.
“We have lost FAR more than the humans have, for your foolishness and your sense of freedom,” Roth admonishes you, and looks around to the others, standing tall and spirit swelling then at how they regard them. “Now, at last, THEY will lose! THEY will pay! THEY will fall!”
“I see where you get the penchant for talking so damned much,” Infiltrator Halle mutters, from where the Silkscale lays prone.
What will you do?
>Counter the arguments—rally the Reptilians against Roth’s vision and back to yours! [Diplomacy, DC medium but can be reduced with good write-ins]>Appeal to his heart—he MUST have one, surely?—and try to get him to back down [DC ???]>Challenge Roth to a duel, appealing to his pride and hoping to best him in combat and thus assert dominance>Strike a surprise blow with a spell or item [which one?] and seize or destroy his canopic jar of mutagenic chimeras>Submit to his authority [bluff, while your allies move to incapacitate or kill him]>Submit to his authority [truth]>Write-in>>573224015 is the default difficulty, and would have resulted in a success for "drop the jar and stand down". 18 would have been a success for "submit", and saved your companions from injury. 20 would have resulted in Roth's complete surrender to your greater authority.