In the ruined fortress, Kohlkopf sat warily- he and his men were dug in, hidden, and the camouflage kits they had brought made them invisible even to one another. The enemy hadn’t made any indication of seeing him- yet, at least. He would be ready- though the recon to his north were doing a terrific job of making the dragoons a secondary priority to these Moskity.
>>5465111Kannenpflanze’s warning is replied to. “I feel we will be sufficiently protected. Your concern is appreciated.” It was a clipped reply- there seemed to be some offense at being told what to do, but your station preceded a direct reprimand.
“So they flee,” Krasnyy growled, as he watched from out of his turret at the heretics far off. Sometimes, cowardice was wisdom- he noted the trucks heading for the woods- he had no compulsion to help the flighty and instinct-motivated Rozov. Motor Dragoons were no real opponent to the likes of him. “Come back here,” he muttered to the retreating tanks, “Come to me with your friends, so you can die with them.”
Major Yule swore as the assault of the Moskity came just as ferociously as he predicted- but still away from what his body was ready for. He stumbled for Lieutenant Gauthier’s platoon- they’d have to provide a firm defense, if this continued the way it was going. He had no advice to give- he had to figure out what was happening even just now, as he gestured for a few stray soldiers to guard him.
>Turn is Open>Any tokens that would have been used last turn can be declared- and retroactively applied. A few units will take hits and lose a subunit if their token is not used.