>>6017915>>6017917>FOLLOWUP [Rafferty Paper Mills]>FOLLOWUP [Stephenson Iron Works]>LOOKUP [Cascabel] All dead-ends, unfortunately.
London Stock Exchange (22EC)
From the gallery of the Stock Exchange, you are able to see the big chalk board only with the aid of binoculars.
"Rafferty Paper Mills, 8 shillings a share... There is no listing for Stephenson Iron Works."
Just then a messenger arrives with an affirmative reply to our note to Richard Allen. We make our way down the stairs to an anteroom where Mr. Allen waits.
"How is the investigation progressing?"
"It is progressing. Mr. Allen, would you tell us a little about Rafferty Paper Mills and the Stephenson Iron Works, from an investment standpoint?"
"Until the day of his death, Josiah Rafferty's company was as solid as the Bank of England. But I would never had advised investment in it for two reasons. One, Josiah Rafferty was 94 on his last birthday. His passing could have been at any time in the last 20 years. Two, his sons are as incompetent as their father was exceptional. They now control the company, and has a blind man could have foreseen, they are running it into the ground at breakneck speed.
"The Stephenson Iron Works is totally bankrupt and for good reason. Upwards of 85 percent of their materials came from Central American countries. Between this revolution and that revolution, well... Lord Ragland invested heavily in both, now that I recall."
"We'll be on our way now, thank you."