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The color's really nice, somehow. You can't say exactly why. Just comfy milk-wiv-tea-on-top lookin. You remember some stories about what Gobby Shammies get up to innawoods: licking toadz and smoking jenkem and freeki richoolz. Shroomz n algae might be part of it, you think. Not sure.
You rag-wrap and Pouch the Fungus Head, looking for others. You get the Big Momma Dimmy out to help you dig. Moar Oww hasn't grown his hand ones yet; he doesn't know what to make of the Head Fungus either, but he tells you to wrap a wet rag around your face and not to eat anything.
"<span class="mu-g">Yez sedd yez dunt know, den yez sedd I gotsa dis n dat. Whicchizzit, Cockupine</span>" He doesn't take your bait; the bonetail tentacles growing on him don't swish or curl like when you fought him. Dedders don't care.
•<span class="mu-i">General principle. Why hurry to die. There is nothing here.</span>•
Mopey git. You shove him back innada Pouch. You take his advice though: pee onna banditchief to make it wet, wrap it over your schnozz and mouf n over your eyes a little. Yea itz pee, but it'z YOUrz.
You and the Dimmy turn up moar of these Fungus Heads. There's lots about, but only several are as freshy as the ones you find; most are dead and black, crumbly as the skin on the skullz. You Pouch all the freshy ones, and a couple complete skulls and spines clotted with dedd Head Fungus.
You dare to guess the first skull's Rhea, because you find several others around the same size and shape. One should be a Dorf: it's dome's fikkest. A few are Humies, you think. You don't know how to tell between Binny and Humie domes yet. There's nothing on these bodies; you find some scraps of cords around them, what might have been rope belts, some bits of cloff, that's it.
No Bug skullz, because Bugs don't have skulls. Instead, you find lots of Bug shells. All kindzy Bugz, and very probably lots moar numbers than the races with skullz: Beetl necks and wing-cases, Mantiz ribbz, lots of hive-type legz.
You Pouch the biggest clottiest complete samples and have a break.
It's been several hours of work in thin air, and rooting up this whole place might take months even with 30 Dimmies. You don't even know if the Fungus Heads are worth anything yet.
Youve collected your bodymass of the stuff. It's enough, you think, because your hands are starting to itch a little.
Moar Oww tells you not to sleep here, and to wash yourself with booz, to be safe. Seems like a waste of booz, and it's advice from a dedder, but what the hell. You spit-spray Delectable on your hands and feet, and give yourself a damp wipe with a Delectable-soaked rag.
Your skin's lightly chafed from all your rubbing, but the itchies have gone, at least.