>>5695914same as yours. im just here to pop up her subconcious thoughts whenever they become relevant
>>5695897i'm still getting fucked sideways and its not nice so i respect you taking your time to sort your stuff out
>Now since I remember QM talking about updates not being simultaneous, there is a chance Emma could go into the tower, find someone to get her the Order's location, then get out before the toys reactivatedoable
>>5696048tldr; not exactly.
long version: this may seem like a ton of bullshit but i've given it some thought. erika can obscure her thoughts by using omniscience and clogging herself with data. more on that
it's time for GAME MECHANICS
>>5696089omniscience expands Erika's conciousness, meaning, the buffer of her brain, her capability to remember more stuff at the same time. it's her actual power while 'knowing all there is to know' is the result of the wish. remember guise, magical powers are often a lot more about 'how was this wish granted' than 'what the wish was'
to be specific (cuz is this in-game erika's theory anyway):
-in order for her wish to be granted, a nigh-infinite amount of information had to be gathered at the same time. this required for the scope of attention whatever granted to wish to be expanded in order to gather this information before granting it
-the power granted, therefore, was to expand her conciousness, which coincidentally or not allowed her to be able to search said information
-she then used said power to dig through all of that information in her brain to find a way to stop all of that knowledge from turning her into a carrot straight-up because, given the current size of her memory, her brain would have been overwritten with information seventy hundred million times over and thus turned to paste. after all, information is physical
-thus, she ended up re-directing the writing of the information into her brain enforced by her wish by having said information scattered across her braincells over and over like a binary tree
yes, its absolutely fucking bananas.
it goes on