>>5354023>Amara goes full Anime in a sword duel, Shu begins to raise an army of Tenno Warframes, and powerful factions/people are stirring the pot.>53RD VEIN ARCHIVED>https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2022/5328857/>Logging in to West Collective Symposium Synapse...>Authenticating credentials...complete.>Welcome Zet@#~...Zena>Tuning into Biology studies Channel >Thea_Theta: I'm telling you, it doesn't make any sense! >Zena_Zeta: What is it this time?Have you even seen the abomination that is the human body? Just look at it!
>Thea_Theta: *posts pic related*>Myu_Mu: Darwin's Cable management at its finest>Kathy_Kappa: *smug*>Several proxies are composing thoughts...>@Kathy_kappa: Enough with the emoticon spam please! Our smug face is already a registered emotion symbol on Orwell's streams, so can we please keep this channel productive?!>Kathy_Kappa: Okay then.....wanna try and study Snowbird_Alpha?>Thea_theta:....>Lily_Lambda:....>Zena_Zeta:....>Myu_Mu:...that's insane. You're insane.>Kathy_Kappa: what? It's a valid project idea! I don't think Snowbird_Alpha would object.>Zena_Zeta: small wonder why people tend to call West_Prime and us derivatives as "quacks".Not sure if this exchange would be canon, but the mere thought of proxies treating the collective forum space into something akin to a semi-chaotic discord channel seems amusing.