Wolfman landed a critical hit! Although, he missed every other shot. Morgrim managed to dodge them...
[Attack] - Morgrim scraped his own flesh in a deranged manner due to his Despair!
[Beastly Roar] - Morgrim prepared to dish out punishment and began building power!
[WOLFMAN] "Agh... Can't go on no more... take it from here..."
Wolfboy fell unconscious from having his blood energy sapped!
Morwenna prepares another attack behind her Brother, who turns to me...
[MORGRIM] "One dowwwn... twoo to gooo... Thy time is sssshort now, do thou truly think to outlast me in MY court?!"
Your Rolling Ceiling: Rank 9 - 1d87
Your Critical Ceiling: Rank 9 - 1d87
Enemy Rolling Ceiling: Rank 3 - 1d27
Enemy Critical Ceiling: Rank 3 - 1d27
https://pastebin.com/raw/wEy8RHiU<What will you do?>
>SKILLS (Choose attack mode: Single / AOE) (AOE mode cannot be used on skills that hit multiple times.)• Attack (Default light physical)
• Kaleidoscope (Severe damage skill, physical + inflicts Despair) (70 MP)
• Holy Custom (Heavy damage skill) (37 MP)
• Elephant's Foot (Heavy damage skill, physical + inflicts Cancer) (45 MP)
• Binesiiwag (Med damage skill, inflict stun) (15 MP)
• Puncture An Idea (Light damage skill, inflicts Existential) (30 MP)
• Divine Chateau (Raises party ceiling by three ranks) (30 MP)
• Mind Bullets (Light damage skill, hits 10 times) (14 MP)
• Live Not Die (Lifts Death Knell affliction) (9MP)
>TRUTHS• Muna's First Truth. (Pacifies foes, or skips their turns.)
• Muna's Second Truth. (Temporary Invulnerability for 4 turns)