>>5752296The gang breaches the security rooms. Minus several guards and one Psycho later, they've mostly got control. You can pour one out for Afro after the job, but for now, stay focused. Mei Lin confronts some asshole with a suit and assault rifle, while his friend manages to tag Dr. Ben even during the doctor's voodoo dodge. Who are these guys? Anyway, the security computer terminals are right there, all you have to do is shove in the floppy disks that Claire gave you and hit Enter (1 AP).
Meanwhile, Tobias sets off the thermite charge, and a blinding flame begins to sear through the walls. The security terminals still need to be accessed, since there are smaller gates within the vault that need to be unlocked. But this will provide a convenient exit point in a few minutes.
Rico, Alamo, and Mei Lin are all lugging big saws they can use to start cutting out deposit boxes. Fiction has a drill that can unlock them with a little finesse. Everyone in the gang has a duffel bag ready to fill with cash. That money is close, so close you can almost smell the ink already. No, wait, that's the blood.