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A day after his first lesson with the Knight Remon, the army that Lucian was a part of garrisoned itself within Castle Bastonne. Word was that thank to the pitch battle the Orcs were being pushed towards the River of Grismerie. What was recognized soon was that the Warhost of Orcs has yet to dispurse thanks to the failure in killing the Warboss who led them all.
For this reason it was recognized that the Orcs were likely to regain their strength and attempt another battle soon, before the Knights could run them into the river. So it was that rest and recovery was in order, with the Duke of Bastonne summoning both Peasant and Noble together for his coming battle.
Lucian looked out towards the Castle Bastonne for a moment with inquisitive eyes. The Castle, while massive in size and scope, was beyond his feet. It was made rather clear to all involved that a Peasant who walked into the Castle was a dead Peasant. Such was because Castle Bastonne was the personal residence of none other than Gilles the Unifier, the Founder of Bretonnia and First Grail Knight of the Lady.
Even looking upon it for too long was banned. One cannot stare at the magnificence of the structure without tainting it with their own vision.
He only had a glimpse into the Nobility now and in some way he understood such a command. To bring dishonor to something as magnificent as Castle Bastonne would be an affront greater than anything else in the realm.
“You see something funny?” Adok asked with a small laugh in his voice. Maybe there was purpose to those words for it snapped Lucian out of the stupor that he found himself in and brought his attention to the Dwarf.
“I was admiring the work.” Lucian said honestly.
The Dwarf gave a smile of approval, “Well its not the best structure, but I can see why you like it. Ready for your speech?”
Lucian looked towards the assembling crowd and wondered to himself, “I… I don’t know.”
“Well you’ll get them!” Laughed the Dwarf as he slapped the back of Lucian with enough force to push the Squire forward, “No bother waiting for ‘em”