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You decide to explore the <span class="mu-i">land</span>. While exploring the water could lead to some very interesting discoveries, and given the fact you have plenty of water pikmin now- you feel there is probably more fruit on land plus other things that will help you... like another onion.
This time you had a pretty good feeling you'd find one from the way your Pikmin seemed to be trying to lead you over here. Behind some rocks near the shore, you find a purple onion. After a while, you go to pluck the Pikmin from the soil before finding yourself nearly tripping from the unexpected weight. Taking both hands; you manage to pull a real big one free.
These are <span class="mu-s"><span class="mu-i">Purple Pikmin</span></span>. The first thing you notice is their size and weight; bigger then any other type of Pikmin and <span class="mu-i">much heavier</span>. You can barely throw them. They also take a lot more resources to grow then other types of Pikmin. Normally, the onion spits out two seeds for a small pellet of its color, or one seed for the pellet of any other color. But for purples, one purple pellet only gives one seed, and it takes two or three pellets of other colors to spit out an extra seed. You estimate it takes roughly two and a half times as much food to produce purple pikmin seeds then normal pikmin. On top of that, they're pretty slow even with flowers- given how large they are.
But of course; as with all Pikmin, they have a unique advantage. Purple Pikmin are especially well developed in their lower body and back, and are so heavy and strong that they can carry as much as five other pikmin put together; they are roughly <span class="mu-i">five times</span> as strong as a normal pikmin.
While the number of Purple Pikmin you will have will be invariably less then the other pikmin types, you get the feeling they'll be pretty useful when you do need to use them. You also feel that glimmer of hope again- you can now recover that Graviton Core that was impossibly heavy before, and you'd only need a handful of purple pikmin to do it!