Rolled 1, 4, 6 = 11 (3d6)
>>6086855>/-/-/-/>ACTIONYBITS INNIT>/-/-/-/MP3 AP2: {2-3-3-4-4}
AP1: SHEER VIOLENCE OF ACTION - I declare war on Bulb and all those loyal to him! OMAE WA MOU... SHINDE IRU.
AP3: MANIFEST - Adapt 95% efficient dolphin lungs and huge reservoirs of myoglobin in my swole body to hold my breath for long periods of time, boost stamina, and most importantly SCREECH LOUDER.
>[Mutability 10, Focus 1, Change 4(of 11), Commit]"REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!"
My wild eyes bulge as I manically lock on the wood children, baring my horrifying fangs and filling them with terror.
>[Teeth, Strength, Sheer Violence of Action, !Wild-Eyed]>->Spent>-SP=7=8-1 | CP=7=11-4
>->Gained>-HP=11=8+3 | CP=11=10+1
>/-/-/-/>INFOBITS INNIT>/-/-/-/Subject: #Gluttony
HP 11/12 SP 7/12 CP 7
DR 0 AP 6 MP 3
>->Stats>-Vitality 12 Reaction 8 Will 10
Focus 1 Lethality 1 Alacrity 1 Duplicity 1
Alive, Scary
>->Skills>-Physicality 10
--[Teeth +2, Reach 2][Strength +2]
Senses 9
--[Shared Senses +1] [Advanced Photoreceptors +?]
Thoughts 8
Mutability 10
--Acid Glands [x2 Lethality Acid-EX]
>->Traits>-!Biomodulation Strain #3
--[Virulent Vitality][Bound by the Flesh]
>->Initiatives>-[Creative Thinking Exercises] Enrollee
[Sheer Violence of Action] Enrollee