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>Talk to the Prisoners. They’re technically your responsibility too. And they’re fellow clones, despite everything. They’re still you brothers.
Though you’ve put them under Goto, the prisoners are ultimately your responsibility. At least you think so. The regulations for the Grand Army of the Republic were strangely vague on taking prisoners. Even the system for court-martials was more detailed, though you suppose that was just a consequence of fighting programmed droids that weren’t capable of surrender. It had never been a serious issue, since any prisoners that were taken were in small enough numbers to leave it to the discretion of your jedi commanders. But now things had changed, and unless you were willing to slaughter every hostile clone you saw, you’d have to find a way to deal with them.
These thoughts swirl through your mind as you walk down the corridors to the detention level, located in the centre of the ship, just above the main reactor. Another problem you had was where to put them. The prisoners you already had numbered more than a hundred, but the ship had a crew of 700, and the brig was only built in case of a mutiny or prisoner transfer, not for mass incarceration. Any more and it’d become overcrowded, or you’d be forced to transfer them to spare barracks under guard. You probably wouldn’t come up with a solution right away, but it was something to think about.
You salute the guard as you approach the detention area. Returning the salute, he lets you in and leads you down a corridor with energy barriers blocking each room off. Inside each are several clones, stripped of their armour, staring at you as you walk by. Stopping in front of the one containing the few remaining officers they have, he stands a little off to the side as you look in.
They look up at you, clearly surprised at your visit. There’s some muttering amongst them, before one whom you recognise as the Lieutenant who surrendered them to you walk up to the barrier. CT-32-4956, you remember.
“Commander. We weren’t expecting visitors. What do you want?”