>Research applying "Fast Forward" animation magic to magic tree seeds and saplings, to bolster our industrial capacityOur industrial capacity is lacking to properly capitalize on more powerful animation magics, ergo the first thing we should look into is more wands, staffs and logs. To do this, we'll need more magic trees. To get more magic trees, let's see about animating them to grow faster.
With additional magical wood, we'll be able to boost our industrial capacity. It will likely also improve relations with the Pixies if we grow trees just as fast as we cut em down, perhaps plant more of them.
Bigger trees are also likely more powerful and can channel more raw magic! So let's see about growing them faster.
>Study fast forward animation further to make things move even faster for combat purposesSeems our reach tried to exceed our grasp. Let's study further into using Fast Forward magic for applied ballistics. Improve upon the basics, work on animating bows, crossbows and slingshot pebbles to do their job faster when launched faster.