>>6148565“I see…” Volka remarks with a sagely nod as the three of you sit huddled in what you assume is a derelict garbage dumpster, “So <span class="mu-i">that’s</span> what happened…”
You didn’t even get a chance to tell her anything yet!
“Sorry! Thought we were tryin’ ta’ skip ahead!” The Skog replies with an apologetic smile! “So what happened?”
“The eggs were taken to <span class="mu-b">GOLD TOWN…</span>” Frowns Tzah-Tzie as she scoots a little closer to you. “For some kinda auction. <span class="mu-i">Tonight</span>.”
At a place called <span class="mu-b">THE CHUMBA CASINO…</span>
Volka’s eyes light up! “I know that place!”
“<span class="mu-i">COMEBACK CANTINA,</span> Ant.” Corrects Tzah-Tzie with an ‘oh you’ expression. Wait, really? Man, how did you get <span class="mu-i">Chumba Casino?</span> Haha, wow…
Volka’s eyes light up! “Never mind! I don’t know the last place cuz’ it doesn’t exist, but I know <span class="mu-i">THAT</span> place!”
Oh? Has uh… has she been before? Tzah-Tzie also raises a curious eyebrow.
“Not like <span class="mu-i">thaaat</span>,” Chides Volka with an embarrassed look and a swish of her tail! “One of my patrols took me ta’ Gold Town once! We, uh… we don’t go there much.”
Wait, what does she mean ‘like thaaat'?
“The ‘establishments’” Explains Tzah-Tzie with a foul expression plastered on her face, “Have their own security… hired by-”
No, you meant ‘what does she mean by’-
“<span class="mu-r">The Spice Cartel…</span>” Volka growls! “Figures they’d be behind this… scum, the lot of ‘em… but <span class="mu-i">powerful</span> scum. The kinda ya’ can’t just scrub off…”
“Yea, I’d rather we didn’t tangle with ‘em…” Groans your Spinner as she stretches like a cat, “But Ant’s gotta get those eggs back, so…”
The question is <span class="mu-i">when</span>, though, you frown! Won’t there be security before the auction?
“There’ll be security <span class="mu-i">period</span>...” Replies the Skog as she mulls your worry over in her head! “But I’m guessin’ they’ll have ‘em stored somewhere secure until tonight…”
“Until it’s bidding time. And when someone buys ‘em!” Adds Tzah-Tzie!
Just to confirm, you interject, this isn’t legal, is it? Both girls respond by vigorously shaking their heads!
“Nope! Absolutely not in Crossroads!” Volka explains with a frown! “Or in Umberal… lotsa places, really. Pretty sure the only place it ain’t frowned on is to the West…”
“Not that you won’t see people try it everywhere else…” The Spinner adds with a shrug. “Probably gonna be a lot of high rollers there tonight…”
Volka turns to give you a determined stare! “Just say the word an’ I’ll cancel tonight’s Lamplighter meeting!”
It might not be necessary, you retort, but thanks… As for your plan, well…
>Let’s sneak in before the auction!>Tell the guards or someone!>Cancel your plans and wear something fancy, gals, we’re GOING tonight!>Wait until the auction’s over and jump the buyer!>Write-In!