>>5405733<span class="mu-s"> Intermission : Hector's adventure, Mighty Guardian™ </span>
The men were pacing slowly, the battle's beginning apprehension palpable. The Hueste was the largest Hector even imagined. On the middle, the King himself, Henry the young, mounted on a mighty Hippogriff. Forces of light and nature joined the army : a Maiden, which white dress and bare feet were unsullied despite walking in the muddy grass of the swamp, was in charge of the mystical side of the kingdom's army.
The bulk of infantry was made of mens-at-arms, sporting Voulges, and archers. Most of them looked like the villager from Griffinmount's battle. However, none of them were fitted with arcanic murder-sticks... The ranged leader pack where hooded skirmishers, which woke up a couple hour before every other army member to tie grass and dead wood to their cloak's back. Hector couldn't help but notice the lack of siege weapons : a mere lonely scorpion was included in the army. No, the real strength lied where the kingdom always shined : cavalry. A couple mounted fighter on pegasus where a sight to behold, but there was something intimidating in the sight of several hundreds of heavy-armored knight. The bigger half of them displayed their heraldic : they were the kingdom's knight, which value was proven fair and square. Their roles and chain of command where clearly established, gear of a perfectly oiled war machine.
Again with a mechanic reference? Maybe Griffinmount and its display of archanics and mechanic wonder impacted Hector well more than he ever thought.
As a leader of a pack of Errand, Hector tried to coordinate with one of the King's lieutenant, Alexis de la Tour, a man in his prime showing much restraints and a bit of a gut.
<span class="mu-s"> <span class="mu-g"> "What you're sposed to do and where dyou place? Don't be a coward, don't suicide, try to kill a coupl bastards and 'verything will be fine'" </span> </span>
Well, so much for gaining tactical hindsight and knowledge.