If I told you that the Moon above Hainei was home to an entire society of people who had the features and characteristics of rabbits, would you believe me?
[MAJORDOMO] "I mean, probably yeah."
[JOCO] "You've LITERALLY fought evil incarnate, befriended the gods of magic, the sea and met a robot who exists in infinite dimensions. I don't think moon people are so far fetched, insobeithowever that may be."
Okay, okay. I get it.
Still, can we say we aren't surprised to find out this revelation? And they say that long ago, people from the cradle of mankind enjoyed commercial travel to the Moon itself, to see Lunar society...
I don't know much about it myself, but from what publicly available information there is that I was able to have Hale and Catastrovania pull up... mostly from Trinity museum records, there's a society on the moon. It's home to the Lunar Bunnies, a people said to have been created by the Emperor himself long ago. Though, nowadays, the Trinity denies their existence, trying to prune this information. And why?
Why keep the existence of the Moon people and their society away from Hainei?
I had to find out... That's why I now took flight into space itself by myself.
[MAJORDOMO] "Because Joco insisted we go the long way instead of teleport there instantly and save time... why did you listen to him?!"
[JOCO] "Hey! Hey! The scenic route is cool bruv! Look at all the stars! Ain't it thrilling to you to exit the atmosphere and fly between celestial bodies?! UWaaaaahhhh!"
[MAJORDOMO] "Meh, can see this any day through a telescope."
I flew beyond the speed of sound. To make the trip both not take very long... and to enjoy the sensation of speeding into the vacuum of soundless space. It was cold up here... but it was fun. I don't need oxygen, or anything really. I am unfazed by being in the vacuum.
Flying over the Moon, I see society below. The Moon really was inhabited.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hkrkgw_0pHAI could see homes and communities scattered about the craters of the Moon's visible side, the side that always faced Hainei. It was exciting! I'd never have thought anything like this was possible. The people below, the Bunnies and Rabbits of the Moon, they were something to behold as well. People with pale hair, and darker complexions from their existence in space. They had adapted to be able to survive these conditions all on their own... with little support. And how did they stay anchored to the moon?
Gravity magic. Something that was certainly new to me. I wondered if Eskart and the Illuminati knew about it?
The moon's people used gravity magic widely to keep themselves attached to the Lunar surface, that they'd never leave the heavenly body itself. It was amazing!