Damn, Winona's pregnant, huh? I suppose that's the true heir to the seat of Rusalka, right there.
Here comes the snow.
>>5854518Blair's Stats, for reference.
HP: 70 (100%) + 1 = 71
STR: 32 (50%) +2 + 1 = 33
MAG: 32 (60%)
DEX: 30 (55%) + 1 = 31
SPD: 45 (75%) +2 + 1 = 46
LCK: 33 (40%) + 1 = 34
DEF: 30 (60%) +2
RES: 27 (50%)
CHARM: 35 (55%) + 1 = 36
Kate's actually a lot better than us in multiple stats, it's kinda crazy. She might not have our leadership skills or our magic, but she's basically a lot stronger in terms of DEX and RES. She did as Amelia did and got HUGE, it seems.
Assuming we go first, our speed rises to 52, which lets us double Kate. Likewise, if she goes first, her speed rises to 54, and she doubles us instead.
With Kate's whopping 44 DEX, we actually have a 2% chance of dodging at base (8% if we initiate, and 42% if Kate initiates first). Kate, on the other hand, has a 17% chance of dodging our attacks (23% if Kate initiates, and 57% if she lets us initiate first).
With her humongous RES stat, we're not punching through to her with magic or Transmute. Gungnir's likely the best way to go, though I suppose there is something to be said about the regeneration from the Blessed Lance (the damage loss might be too much for it, though).
And of course, with Kate's LUK of 35, she has a 11% chance of critting against us. We, on the other hand, have a 9% of critting on her (assuming we use Gungnir).
If we attack Kate with Gungnir, we deal 33 (STR) + 20 (Gungnir) + 5 (LF) = 58 - 30 (Kate's DEF) = 28.
If she attacks us with Gae Bolg, she deals 32 (STR) + 20 (Gae Bolg) + 5 (LF) = 57 - 32 (Blair's DEF) = 25.
If we crit her, or if she crits us, the other fighter dies immediately.
Assuming no misses, no crits, and no stun... if we win the speed contest, we deal 28 x 2 = 56.
She retaliates with 25, and then the next round begins. She deals 25, we retaliate with 28, and... kill her. If we miss at all, she kills us on the retaliation.
On the other hand, if Kate wins the speed contest, she deals 25x2, we deal 28 in retaliation. We deal 28 on the next round, and then she finishes us off on the third hit; unless she misses at all, in which case, we kill her on our third hit.
Our odds of winning this fight are pretty damn slim. Which makes sense-- she's basically our equal; if we fight her, one of us will die for sure, and I don't think there will be time for talk. There is a chance that once we reduce Kate to 0, we can take her prisoner, but I don't trust-- if we hold back at all, she'll kill us, and vice versa. If the difference in strength was significantly in our favor, I'd try it, but... we're evenly matched.