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The year is 6722 by Alfheim reckoning, and today marks your 120th birthday. An important birthday, as it marks the transition from childhood to your adolescent years among your people. Really you don't feel much different, though that might be because your curiosity for adult things like romance, mating, and the peculiar charms of men bloomed over a decade ago. As a mere girl, the adults who caught you looking into such things at so tender an age as eleven decades doused you in cold water and bonked you with the Branch of Bonking.
You spent many weeks planted in the soils beneath Yggdrasil for being a perverted child, but now you have the dubious honor of being a perverted <span class="mu-i">maiden</span>.
Sure, you still barely scrape four feet tall and your chest is flatter than a washboard, but at least your hips have grown in like a nice and proper woman! But the transition from Child to Maiden is one that is more legal and ceremonial than physical.
On your Centum Viginti - the day celebrating your 120th birthday - the Eldest Children of the Yggdrasil deem you old enough to act as an adult in many ways that were forbidden to you before. You may pursue romance and mating if you wish, and the delightful charms of men may be discussed in more than whispers between curious girls. You no longer need attend the Gymnasium on four days out of the week to learn how to live as an adult. The white smock of childhood may be discarded in exchange for a proper maiden's garb, which can be anything you like as long as you don't go nude.
>Athlete's Garb
>Dancer's Garb
>Scholar's Garb
>Servant's Garb
>Priestess' Garb
>Whore's Garb
Most importantly, however, is that this marks the beginning of your Travail, where you will leave Alfheim for a number of years and return with something of worth for your people.
>You seek a big, fat pile of money. Money always helps.
>You seek the famous lost reliquary blade of your people, the Evenstar.
>You seek a fragment of the True Cross, a holy relic lost during the Age of Mammon
>You seek a shard of the Void Below, a powerful magical catalyst.
>You seek a renewal of your people's friendship with the Humes and the Stouts.
>You seek to destroy Blackheart, a voidtouched jewel that makes orcs of elves.
Your Travail will be a test of the ten decades you spent at the Gymnasium, learning what the Eldest believed you to be most suited to learn. While you lack experience in the wider world, you have skills polished by a century of learning and a body that is not decrepit and old as a Hume or Stout would be.
>Arcane Archer (Bow Arts + Arcane Magic)
>Beguiler (Rogue Skills + Arcane Magic)
>Dancer (Social Skills + Performance Arts)
>Fist of the Forest (Primal Magic + Unarmed Fighting)
>Investigator (Alchemy + Rogue Skills)
>Ranger (Bow Arts + Primal Magic)
>Sacred Fist (Divine Magic + Unarmed Fighting)
>Sacred Prostitute (Social Skills + Divine Magic)
>Spellblade (Arcane Magic + Blade Arts)
>Stalker (Blade Arts + Rogue Skills)