>>6026578<span class="mu-s">You and the others test out Okwonko's dice to make sure they aren't loaded, settling on a pair of d6 in particular. Liu makes a show of tossing them around in a martini shaker before revealing the results, three times in quick succession. First question, who is going to lead the operation? The others will probably vote for themselves, so you can easily break the tie by doing something unexpected.</span>
>Jean-Pierre de Tassigny. (DC 2 to convince others to support him)>Ienaga Takahara. (DC 3)>Okwonko. (DC 4)>Ma ‘Dame’ Liu. (DC 6)>Yourself. (DC 4)<span class="mu-s">Second question, where will you jump into?</span>
>As close as possible to the exit (A). You have enough escorts. (DC 4, chance of ambush)>On the other side (B). Better to brave the station's gauntlet. (DC 3, constant harassment)>Far from the exit (C). They won't expect you there. (DC 3, longer distance to cover)>Right on the middle-point (D). Thanaret is onto something with his tactics (DC 5, knife-fighting)>Draw-in (I will decide DC).