>QM question:Funnily enough, Poképocalypse (
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5674830/)! I really liked the idea and had been lurking the board for years at that point, so seeing this quest pop up and subsequently be abandoned pushed me to start writing myself.
As for unrelated quests that motivated me to write, I have to give Disappearing Hogwarts a lot of the credit. It made me less embarrassed to write fanfiction with a semi-serious tone lol.
>General question:>out of the boardMore players, I guess. I think the board is starting to suffer from an imbalance of players vs QMs. I tend to see one or two quests that siphon up the entire board, about 10 or so that average 2-3 players, and then a whole bunch of quests that just get absolutely no players (or can't keep enough players consistently to keep running).
It almost seems like the amount of QMs is cannibalizing the available player pool, which is making it harder to run quests. This wouldn't be an issue if all the QMs also played other quests, but I know how hard it is to both run a quest and keep up with more than one other (while still maintaining some semblance of an irl life) so I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
>questing in generalPlease for the love of god let there be two or more stable questing sites in the future. The fact that /qst/ is the best option for the hobby at the moment is fucking dire and I really hope that changes soon. If I had the resources, I'd already be working on it, but unfortunately I do not.
>specific quest I hope to runI'd like to continue Poképocalypse for some time, if I can. Once that's over I'm going to take a big fat break, and if that ending comes before the end of 2025 I might end up posting something original that I've had brewing instead.
>Miscellaneous question:nah, my year's gotten off to a pretty shitty start so I've formally postponed any self-improvement stuff until February. Or until I get my shit together. Whatever comes first lol
>>6181328Would definitely be neat. I'd vote
instead of just lurking like I did in the last one.
>>6181451I agree to a point. I think "fuck it we ball" is a pretty good mindset for whenever the PC isn't in immediate danger and I wish that more players used it as their default in those circumstances.