Quoted By:
>I’m not an Angel, angel.
<span class="mu-g">-Tell Angel about your power.
-Ask Angel why she thinks she wasn’t made part of the relay.</span>
<span class="mu-s">S</span>ecrets can keep you safe- but they can also rot you from the inside. Deeply-held fears and insecurities remain there when we, ourselves, cannot give them answers- while they guide our every move.
But what about somebody else?
To build a relationship on top of lies is hard work, made even harder when the reason for which one lies isn’t clear to begin with. Would Angel fear me if she knew about my power? Would she think I’ve been using it on her, on my friends, on my family? Emma can’t find clarity: the questions pile up on top of the truth faster than she can answer any of them.
What if Angel finds out later from somebody else?
What then?
<span class="mu-s">Angel</span>: <span class="mu-i">You are thinking a lot again.</span>
…Emma is back in the Harmony of Seas, in the restaurant, in front of Angel, next to a tower of steamy burgers.
▲ <span class="mu-s">Emma</span>: <span class="mu-i">Hi.</span>
<span class="mu-s">Angel</span>: <span class="mu-i">Hey there sunshine.</span>
Emma smirks. Inside Emmaland, she took a peek at the truth through all of her doubts and fears. All that energy going into worrying is not being used to keep up with Angel, to enjoy her presence. Afraid of losing her sister, Emma had turned their time together into a full-time job. And when the lies pile up, Emma saw in her crystal ball, it’s only going to get worse:
she will end up hating Angel.
>Tell Angel about your power.
▲ <span class="mu-s">Emma</span>: <span class="mu-i">You know…</span>
Emma decides that her precious relationship is already doomed…
▲ <span class="mu-s">Emma</span>: <span class="mu-i">...my power…</span>
…and that she’ll take a leap of faith…
▲ <span class="mu-s">Emma</span>: <span class="mu-i">...is to make other people want what I want them to want.</span>
…to save it.
Angel just grabs another burger.
<span class="mu-s">Angel</span>: <span class="mu-i">Cool. I can do that too though.</span>
Her heart is pounding like a drum, yet Emma giggles. She's not falling for the bait this time.
<span class="mu-s">Angel</span>: <span class="mu-i">I tell them ‘bring me beer or I’ll kick your knees in, you little twat’ and they do what I want.</span>
▲ <span class="mu-s">Emma</span>: <span class="mu-i">I don’t even need to do that.</span>
Emma looks at the burger she’s holding. She can’t look at Angel.