>>5963517>Art: Mikel Janín>Alt-Text: Poison Ivy sits on a throne of plants. She is surrounded by vines, leaves and thorns. Her hair is decorated with leaves and flows up like a crown. IVY:
Sun! Light! LIFE! You feel it all around you, its force so potent you can taste it even in the realms beyond. This is what you needed.
The final jolt to shed the last scrabs of your meaty prison. Isley is truly no more. Poison Ivy shall save the world.
Your predecessor bids you farewell. In time, you will join her here permanently. For now, the Earth needs your salvation.
You will make it better.
BATMAN: Do you feel any better?
The alien grins, and floats to the roof of the cave. He does several loops before landing.
SUPERMAN: Does that answer your question?
You grin back.
BATMAN: Show off.
BATMAN: That’s coming from the Batclinic!
Hundreds of vines burst through the cave floor and penetrate its roof. Moonlight shines through the hole.
As the vines grow into the sky you see someone standing in their center- Dr Isley!
IVY: Fear not. The world’s savior is here. I shall remake this poisoned land into something…divine.
Your cry goes unheeded. The vine keeps growing, taking your erstwhile ally into the night.
SUPERMAN: I can fly after Ivy, but the Riddler’s still out there. I can’t go after both at the same time.
>A Walk in the Park, Part One>Vote Title: Greg RuckaFollow Ivy and have Superman go after The Riddler. You know Ivy the best, you can reach her.
>The Enigma >Vote Title: James Windeler, Patrick Kevin Day & Shanon Ingles Go after The Riddler and have Superman go for Ivy. You need to take down The Riddler yourself.
>Phantom Riddles, Part One>Vote Title: Mark WaidLeave Ivy alone and go after The Riddler with Superman. The Riddler is the highest threat and you can probably trust Ivy.
>The Battle>Vote Title:Jeph LoebGo after Ivy with Superman. She’s a member of your team and you can’t leave her behind. You can face The Riddler later. United.
{Choose any number. The option with the most total votes wins.}